The whole focus of my blog, my training and my teaching is to help you perform better under pressure. I’ve covered in previous posts the fact that it doesn’t matter if you are: a professional athlete; a doctor or a surgeon; a teacher; or a student, when you are facing pressure, your abilities decrease.
It’s not just pump up or motivational hoopla. It’s actually proven through data. What happens is your brain starts to short circuit. Your cortisol (the stress inducing hormone) levels rise, you start to lose your focus and all of a sudden you’re making mistakes you wouldn’t normally make if you weren’t facing pressure. Does that make sense?
I’m sure you’ve seen it when you’re parking your car. You attempt to parallel park and when no one is around, hey, it’s no problem. But, as soon as there is traffic and the other motorists start honking their horns, you screw up and you can’t get quite get it right. It’s the same activity, just the pressure’s heightened in one versus the other and your abilities come down.
How do you overcome that moment? What do you do when you’re facing that kind of pressure?